Intermittent fasting (IF). It’s become one of the hottest buzz phrases for those who want to lose weight. What is it? How does it work?

IF is a process of restricting food consumption during certain windows of time.

How does it work? When we don’t consume food for long periods, our body stops seeking sugar as fuel for our life processes and instead seeks fat as an energy source. In order to make the change from sugars/carbs to fat, you typically have to fast for at least 12 hours. The longer you fast after that point, the more fat you will use. No, this doesn’t mean you should fast for days and days. Many people find fasting for 16 hours a day adequate.

Most of us function on a circadian rhythm that has us awake during the day and asleep at night. If you live in this way, it is more advantageous for you to begin your fast earlier in the evening (5 or 6 PM) so that your body has a chance to digest and rest during the normal daily cycle. IF can also help create a calorie deficit since you aren’t eating for as many hours. Chances are you won’t eat as much.

Can you eat whatever you want during your eating window? Sorry, no. You still need to make healthy/sensible choices. Treats are fine every now and then, but IF doesn’t give you a pass to eat junk food for 8 hours straight.

Is the 16 hour fast, 8 hour eating window the only way to do IF? Not at all. As long as you fast for at least 12 hours or more, you are intermittently fasting. Fasting requires careful planning for your next meals to ensure you get the proper nutrients and macros without overeating, or under eating.

Have you tried IF?

About the author : Gabriella Waters

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