Fitness Motivation
When it comes to your fitness routine, are you consistent? Do you get back on track right away after a break? How many times have you started over? We all know how tough it can be to return to a fitness regimen after we’ve stopped. What can we do to end the cycle and finally stick to our plan?

“How do you stay motivated to workout?”

This is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. The key to unlocking your fitness motivation is simple: Your “why” has to be big enough. Not just big as a goal, but profound in its meaning for you personally.
“I can get started, but then I fall off.”
There will be days when you don’t feel like doing the work. There will be times when the effort seems to be too great. If your reason for starting isn’t strong enough, it won’t keep you going, or hold you accountable when the going gets tough.
“I’m too tired. I’ll start again next week.”
“I want to lose weight.” Most people start here and feel like that’s enough. It might be for some, but when it’s 5:00am and it’s the only time you have to workout, will that goal win, or will extra sleep ? take priority? The better question is, WHY do you want to lose weight? If the answer hinges on aesthetics alone, it may be a tough sell when the scale isn’t moving at rapid speed week after week.

What’s important to you? Better health markers? Increased energy, endurance, or mobility? Less stress?

Think about your reason for starting and try to home in on a goal that is both reasonable and important. Fitness motivation is just like anything else that inspires you. It has to be routed in something that you passionately believe in now and in the long term.

You can do it. Let’s go!

About the author : Gabriella Waters

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