Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

What is it? All the things you do throughout the day that are movement, but not a workout. Walking from office to office, taking the stairs, walking to your car in a parking lot, walking to the restroom, pacing while on a call, fidgeting, etc.

All of these activities are normal for most people who work outside the home. Now that many of us are working from home, our overall movement has decreased.

What can we do? Get up at regular intervals, even if it’s just standing while you type (try putting your laptop on a counter). Taking a phone call? Pace while you talk. Avoid working from your bed. Take a few trips up and down your stairs (not at a face pace) throughout the day, take a walk during your lunch break.

We can incorporate exercise at home and more mindful movement, too. You can set a timer to remind you to get up and move so that you don’t forget.

NEAT, right?

About the author : Gabriella Waters

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