Don’t let a preventable injury sideline you from your fitness.

What can you do to stay safe?

Warm up – This crucial step prepares the body for movement by increasing your heart rate and loosening your muscles and joints. Do not skip it. Even if you arrive to a class late, take the time to warm up first. Protect yourself.

Stretch – Dynamic stretches before and after the workout will help increase flexibility. It’s safe to stretch after you warm up and after you cool down. Static stretches are effective during the cool down as well.

Ease into your workout – Whenever you start a new routine, gradually build up the intensity, duration, and frequency. There’s no reason to jump into the deep end before you know what to expect. Trying to keep up in an unfamiliar situation is an easy way to compromise form and can lead to injuries. Learn it, then burn it.

Cool down – A cool down helps bring your heart rate back down to normal and allows you to control your breathing. A pilot does not cut the engine when they see the runway. Likewise, you have to slow down and level out or you could crash.

About the author : Gabriella Waters

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